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1. RADIO -

"Save Our Black Boys" Radio - Weekly

Highlights scientific research, educational news and lifestyle tips for parents to support the academic performance and Black history knowledge base of their African-American youth.

Also includes interviews with experts and notables.

Past guests include:

DeVon Franklin, Sony Pictures

Sabrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin

Stedman Graham, CEO & Author

Luci Baines Johnson, daughter of

President Lyndon Baines Johnson - signer of

Voting Rights Act, 1965

Listen every Thursday evening 7:30 pm Eastern - 1440 AM in Detroit or online -

Please Donate to Radio Show --

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Save Our Black Boys Radio - Listen to a Past Program

"Christmas Special - Young Black Males Sing and Praise"

2. PARENT TRAINING - Academic Turn-Around Program (ATAP) -

Schools invite parents of the lowest performing students.

Parents learn step-by-step strategies to engage their sons in meaningful support for academic improvements. Awards given for parents who complete the session series. 

3. WORKSHOP- Parent Involvement Workshop- "Save Our Black Boys" - Churches, schools and other organizations can request this relevant workshop. Presented at Embassy Suites Hotel, Michigan and Juvenile Justice Dept., Beloit, Wisconsin

4. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - In-service workshops for educators -

"Close The Achievement Gap for African-American Male Students" - Presented for Hoke County Public Schools, North Carolina

5. AFROCENTRIC CURRICULUM DESIGN - Teachers work with presenter to develop a supplemental social studies unit- "African Roots" - to highlight ancient African kingdoms and their contributions to science, architecture, academia, exploration, and more. Presented for Ann Arbor Public Schools, Michigan. 

6. AFRICAN-AMERICAN BOOKS - Shop online - over 300 books about people of color. School sets available. To browse catalog, click -


Children aged 8-12 take an in-depth look at African and African-American history while brushing up on phonics skills in a rich environment of hands-on creative learning with lots of reading and writing enrichment. Includes movement, musical and oral expression. Request this camp at your location. Go to "Contact Us".

Choose from three sessions:

1. Ancient African Civilizations

2. Plantation Life

3. Underground Railroad

Schools, churches and organizations can host this program as a summer camp or enrichment class during school hours. This camp was held at an Ann Arbor Public School, Michigan.

Office: (734) 729-0501

Cell: (734) 716-0213


"Save Our Black Boys"

is a subsidiary of

Brown Sugar & Spice Books & Educational Services

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